It was a pleasure to participate at the PCRS 2025 Annual Meeting on March 19-22, 2025 at Indian Wells, California. Our esteemed team got to meet the top minds in the field of reproductive medicine and share our latest innovations, partnership advantages, and future programs.
President, Chief Medical Officer
Chief Strategy Officer
Clinical Partnership Manager
The majority of surrogacy agencies are run by attorneys, former Intended Parents or Surrogates who don’t have the business background or medical expertise to manage a complex pregnancy process. At Physician’s Surrogacy, we provide the unparalleled advantage of an OB-guided journey, supporting safer pregnancy outcomes.
All surrogate candidates undergo our proprietary OB-designed stringent screening protocol, ensuring the best outcome for you and your patients.
We manage one of the most extensive surrogacy programs in the nation, with available surrogates in 40 states across the US.
As a valued partner , we recommend your center for consultations with Intended Parents who still need to create their embryos.
We will further work with your clinic by providing outside monitoring for our nearby Surrogates.
Your patients will enjoy the unparalleled advantages of a dedicated, OB-guided surrogacy journey.
We do not charge any upfront fees until Intended Parents parents have found a confirmed match. We also provide complimentary consultations that allow parents to get further support and information.
Intended Parents will receive updates from Physician's Surrogacy after each appointment, ensuring they receive accurate medical information about the pregnancy.
With an average 1-week matching timeline from profile presentation to a confirmed match, we minimize the waiting time and allow patients to proceed quickly with their surrogacy journey.
OB-ordered lab testing allows your patients to opt for additional testing that may be otherwise omitted, offering reassurance regarding the baby's health.
Our diverse team speaks multiple languages and brings a wealth of personal experience in third-party reproduction, ensuring we can meet the needs of parents worldwide with a personal touch.
“I have been a practicing OB/GYN for over 20 years and have worked on countless surrogacy cases. I can honestly say we look forward to working on Physician’s Surrogacy cases the most. Physician’s Surrogacy communicates directly with me, taking out any chance of information being lost or misunderstood. All parties involved are happy, and they have made my job a lot easier!”
— Partnered Ob-Gyn, Irvine, CA
“One of the most frustrating aspects of working with surrogacy agencies is receiving a huge stack of medical records or incomplete medical records. I often take the time to review each page only to find out that the Surrogate doesn’t even meet my criteria! Physician’s Surrogacy has taken the extra step to confirm my criteria each time and only presents Surrogates that meet my criteria to my patients! They save me a lot of time and headache!”
— Partnered REI, Los Angeles, CA
We look forward to establishing a mutually beneficial, lasting partnership.
Appointments available over telephone, zoom meeting, and on-site visit with your team!
Copyright 2025 © All rights reserved
Medical Disclaimer: The information provided here by Physician’s Surrogacy should not be considered as medical advice and is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional.Price is subject to change without notice.
Get started with the nation’s only OB-managed surrogacy agency
A physician stepped in and did a peer-to-peer with her managing OB and they both decided on the proper protocol in order to ensure a safe journey and delivery. Our surrogate was put on bed rest and she had our full support along with her surrogate support manager, case manager and the entire Physician’s Surrogacy team! Without our agency being Ob-Managed, I don’t know what our outcome would have been! I am so happy our surrogate was healthy and safe and so was our baby boy!
My surrogate was medically cleared and completely healthy when we started our journey, but during a routine check-up, her OB noticed she had an elevated AFP level during the second trimester. Naturally, we all got really scared andimagined the worst-case scenario. Luckily, a physician from Physician’s Surrogacy was able to coordinate a meeting with a Perinatologist, GYN Oncologist and the OB to devise a plan to ensure that both the surrogate and baby were safe. I am happy to say our surrogate’s amino fluid tested normal and we have a healthy baby!
Our surrogate was originally going to visit her previous OB who had delivered her children. However, due to the distance from where she lived to the hospital, she needed to see a doctor at a closer location. Through their vast network, Physician’s Surrogacy was able to find a practicing OB closer to the hospital and ensured that they had the capacity to handle a high-risk case. They also made sure that the hospital had the proper level NICU. It was all worked out so quickly and our surrogate was able to be seen by the new OB the same week!
Welcome Onboard!
We will be sending updates your way soon.
You meet the prequalification criteria
Click here to complete the full application and find out if you are accepted into our program
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For your interest in learning more about becoming a clinical partner with Physician’s Surrogacy.
One of our team members will reach out to you soon to schedule a discovery meeting
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at
We have received your requestand one of members of our team will reach out to you within 1 business day
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at
We have received your request to schedule a complimentary consultation
A member of our intended parent’s team will reach out to you within 1 business day
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at