General Information About Surrogacy | Physician Surrogacy

Will the birth certificate have my and/or my husband’s names on it?

Your name and your husband/spouse’s name will NOT be on the birth certificate. The Intended Parents will be the ones who will have full parental rights to the baby. Thus, it will be their names that appear on the birth certificate.

Will I be biologically related to the baby I am carrying?

No, you will NOT be biologically related to the baby that you are carrying for the Intended Parents. As a Gestational Surrogate, your eggs will NOT be used. The process uses the eggs of either the Intended Mother or the Egg Donor.

Why should I choose Physician’s Surrogacy instead of other agencies or independent surrogacy?

  • Surrogacy is a medical process, which is why we believe that you should have full medical support during your pregnancy. While other agencies are managed by previous Surrogates or past Intended Parents, we are an OB managed agency. Former Surrogates and past Intended Parents may understand the emotional aspects of surrogacy. However, they often lack the clinical background and business skills to manage the complexities of a pregnancy process.
  • We pay the highest compensation for first-time Surrogates in the industry. Many other agencies advertise high compensation amounts. However, you will find out after going through their application process that the advertised amount is not what you will be getting in hand. We are very transparent about the compensation structure. We make sure that you understand from the beginning what your financial situation will be during this journey with us. Transparency is crucial when it comes to money, and our approach gives you financial clarity from the start.

Will the birth certificate have my name or my husband’s name on it?

Your name and your husband/spouse’s name will NOT be on the birth certificate. The Intended Parents will be the ones who will have full parental rights to the baby. Thus, it will be their names that appear on the birth certificate.

Is surrogacy legal in my state?

If you are uncertain about the laws in your state regarding surrogacy, please fill out an application. Then, you will see for yourself whether you would qualify based on the state you live in. You will get a response instantly after submitting your application.

Can i be a surrogate if i am a single parent?

Yes. We believe single mothers are just as capable of being Surrogates as a married woman. If you are single, it is very important that you have some type of support system in place. You should assure it prior to committing to any Surrogate program.

Can I be a Surrogate if I don’t have health insurance?

Whether you have insurance or not, the Intended Parents will purchase Surrogate-specific insurance for you. The plan lasts for the duration of your pregnancy. Our accounting department will be handling all medical bills.

What is a Gestational Surrogate?

A Gestational Surrogate or a Gestational Carrier is a woman who becomes pregnant using an embryo created by the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF). The Surrogate may achieve pregnancy using the mother’s eggs and the father’s sperm. Gestational surrogacy also offers the option to use donor eggs or donor sperm. There will be no genetic relationship to the Surrogate.

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