FAQs About Becoming a Surrogate During the COVID-19 Epidemic

Do you want to know how the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 is affecting surrogacy? Read through our frequently asked questions and answers about becoming a surrogate mother during these uncertain times. The following information will help you to get answers to all of your questions about surrogacy during Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic.
Is Physician’s Surrogacy still accepting applications from prospective surrogates amidst the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 Outbreak?
Yes, we are accepting applications from people who want to become a surrogate.
Our intake and Surrogate screening process are already set up. So now you can complete it remotely from the convenience of your home. The process makes it more comfortable in the virtual world that we now live in. For instance, you can take the first step by filling out our online intake form on your phone, tablet, or PC. Our surrogate intake coordinator will be ready to get to know you. He/She will thoroughly discuss your preferences for the surrogacy journey through a phone call. Furthermore, it will allow you to learn more about the surrogacy journey with us.
Fill Out An ApplicationIs now a good time to become a surrogate?
You are the only one who can answer this question for yourself. We know it takes a lot of commitment to become a surrogate mother. On average, the surrogacy process takes nearly 18 months to complete. Moreover, there’s a lot to be done before you reach the embryo transfer stage. So, now may be the best time to start a process that will stretch into the upcoming year. We understand that some people, who are willing to become a surrogate, would like to wait for the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic to subside before beginning the process, which is also fine.
The decision to become a surrogate is yours and yours alone. So, we are going to support you no matter the choice you make. To find out whether surrogacy may be the right fit for you, please fill our online form. Afterward, you will find out instantly, whether you meet the requirements of a surrogate mother and qualify.
Can I get a match with the Intended Parents during the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 outbreak?
Sure! We have adjusted our program to do online match meetings via Zoom, FaceTime, or any other virtual platform. So, you, the intended parents, and one of our team members will see and get to know each other. Our online video platforms are simple to use and accessible through the phone, tablet, or PC.
Does Physician’s Surrogacy have Intended Parents who are willing to move forward at these precarious times due to Coronavirus/ COVID-19 Pandemic?
Absolutely. We have Intended Parents who have been trying to have their own babies for many years. They are well aware that this pandemic is another stumbling block in their way to becoming parents. But still, they have 100% commitment towards the surrogacy process.
I have read in the news that some intended parents were not able to pick up their surrogate babies because of travel restrictions. How will Physician’s Surrogacy protect me from such a situation?
At Physician’s Surrogacy, we work with many Intended Parents from the US. So far, we have not experienced any difficulties due to travel restrictions. However, for International Intended Parents, there are certainly more considerations such as booking flights and navigating changing travel restrictions.
Fortunately, the Intended Parents’ case manager begins to make arrangements for the delivery well in advance. We create a birth plan that plans for nearly any scenario. It includes early arrival for the Intended Parents for allowing them to meet with the local and federal quarantine guidelines. International Intended Parents will also grant “Power of Attorney” to any contact who is here in the United States. If they do not have someone to fulfill the role, we help them contract with one of our established private nanny services. The nanny service will take care of the baby until the Intended Parents arrive. If you have additional questions, we are happy to discuss the steps we will be taking when you submit your application and undergo the intake process.
Is Physician’s Surrogacy going forward with embryo transfers amidst the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 outbreak?
This decision is entirely dependent on the clinic. We work with several clinics in various states in the United States. These clinics are working under emergency orders, which vary from one state to the other.
We understand that the emergency orders given by Governors will be suited to meet the needs of each state as the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 outbreak starts to go down. So, the decision to go on with embryo transfers lies with our fertility clinic partners. However, it is based on the local factors, which vary across the states where we operate.
My husband and I have been out of work due to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak. We have lost our health insurance until our workplace reopens. Can I still apply to become a surrogate mother?
Yes. We do not ask our prospective surrogates to use their own insurance. So, a specific, surrogacy-friendly insurance policy will be put in place for you. If you need to use another form of insurance, such as Medicaid, until you return to work, we understand. Usually, it’s uncommon for surrogacy agencies to accept surrogates who are on Medicaid. But then again, we know it is the last option for a lot of families out there due to the unexpected nature of the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic.
Will I get compensation for being a surrogate in these times of uncertainty?
Yes, you will be generously compensated for your time and effort. We make sure that our intended parents put the compensation in an escrow account before we proceed with the embryo transfer. Gestational surrogacy remains an excellent way to help your own family financially while helping another to have a baby.
During the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 Pandemic, when is Physician’s Surrogacy going to be fully operational again?
We never stop working and are in full operation during this pandemic! The few changes we had to make were modifying our monthly surrogacy support to be done entirely virtual.
Our staff works the usual business hours both from home and from the office. They ensure intended parents and surrogates get the assistance they need during this COVID-19 crisis.
Does Physician’s Surrogacy offer Intended Parent consults during this difficult time?
Yes. We will continue providing consults for intended parents during the Coronavirus crisis. We normally provide free phone consults. However, we will also be glad to talk to you on video conference via Zoom, FaceTime, or any other online platform.
Will Coronavirus/ COVID-19 affect the timing of the embryo transfer for Surrogacy?
Maybe. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine is still preparing to set out its recommendations regarding going forward with fertility treatment during the Coronavirus crisis. However, we do expect the recommendations to be based on a social distancing model. This means that intended parents will have more video conference time with nurses and doctors and less in-office face-to-face time. We are also looking forward to restrictions on the number of people that can be in a fertility clinic. Truthfully, it may be impossible for both Intended Parents to be present in the clinic during the embryo transfer. Make sure to discuss this with your physician beforehand. In case you are going to be absent, ask if it is possible to attend through videoconference.
Note that you may have some delays even when the clinics become fully operational again. The reason is that there may be a backlog of patients awaiting embryo transfer due to several months of closures.
Will the Coronavirus outbreak prevent us from being present for the birth of our baby?
The truth is, it might. As the outbreak continues to linger, we don’t know the kind of visitor restrictions that are going to be placed on the labor and delivery departments. But don’t worry; if you cannot be in the clinic during the delivery of your baby, we will do all we can to provide you with the best birth experience you can get during this difficult time.
Due to the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 outbreak, my clinic is not rendering Gestational Surrogacy services at the moment. Is it possible for me to put a surrogate on hold until my fertility clinic can do the medical screening?
We address each situation individually. If the Gestational Surrogate Mother is ready to wait, we can match both of you even if your clinic cannot screen her right now.
As an intended parent, should I wait until the pandemic is over before starting the surrogacy process?
This is a very personal decision. However, if you are in doubt, we will be glad to discuss this with you. Additionally, we recommend that you speak with your doctor to know the medical factors that are involved. Truthfully, starting the surrogacy process now will likely have a minimal effect on your surrogacy journey.
Remember that the pregnancy by itself will already take nine months. Of course, there are always uncertainties about what the situation will be in a couple of months. The good news is that according to studies, Coronavirus/ COVID-19 is not posing any risks to the fetus like other viruses do, such as the Zika virus. We are going to support you whether you decide to proceed now or wait until things get better.
If you’re interested in becoming a surrogate with Physicians Surrogacy, you can fill out an application here or visit us at www.physicianssurrogacy.com to get more info about how to become a Surrogate.
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