Surprising Things Your Surrogate Baby Will Do

For you to be a surrogate mother, you must have already had one or more healthy pregnancies. You are not new to all those early pregnancy hiccups, big swift kicks, and little butterfly kicks as the baby develops. However, some other antics that take place in the womb may still be unknown even to experienced moms and gestational surrogates. We will discuss several surprising things you can expect the surrogate baby to do during pregnancy.
Taste the Foods You Consume
Once morning sickness passes, you’ll notice that growing a whole person makes you very hungry! This is because the surrogate baby is eating a little bit of everything you eat. The foods a mother eats when carrying a baby will also add flavor to the amniotic fluid. Since the growing baby “inhales” it in, he is going to taste it as well. More interestingly, research has indicated that babies prefer foods they have tasted while in their mother’s womb when they start taking real foods. This is a reason why you need to consume plenty of fruits and vegetables when you are going to become a surrogate mother.
Schedule A ConsultationConstantly Sleep
With all that kicking and movement, you would think that little bundle of joy is always awake. They actually spend most of their time sleeping. This is actually a great opportunity for you to get some sleep as well since the baby has everything they need inside your womb.
Carry their Own “Babies”
Do you know baby girls produce all the eggs they are ever going to have when they are still in their mother’s womb? Therefore, as a surrogate mom, you are not only carrying a child for the Intended Parents but also carrying their potential grandchildren!
Develop Teeth
Babies start to develop their teeth when they are still growing in the womb. In fact, approximately 1 out of every 2000 babies are born with one visible tooth.
Form Fingerprints
Actually, the fingerprints of a baby are formed early during the pregnancy, while the pattern is set around the tenth to sixteenth week.
According to studies, babies do cry when they are still in the womb. While the study may appear cruel to you, researchers discovered this phenomenon by accident. They were actually trying to know if babies exposed to cocaine or nicotine in the womb react to stimulus in a different way. So, they played some soft music to find out how the babies responded. Regardless of the background, all babies sometimes responded by crying. So, the scientists discovered that this response was a natural one that happens in the later stages of pregnancy.
One more interesting thing is that surrogate babies start learning the nuances of language in the last 10 weeks of their development. Research shows that babies respond more to the language they hear when they are inside the womb than they do to any other language, and this change can be noticed within just a few hours after delivery. Babies recognize voices, too. So, it is good to spend a lot of time with the parents-to-be if you are going to be carrying another person’s baby. Alternatively, you can put the intended parents on speakerphone or play recordings of their voices so that the baby will recognize them and find comfort in their words after birth.
Hear Your Voice
Believe it or not, the surrogate baby’s ears will start growing during the first few weeks of pregnancy. At about 18 weeks the baby will be able to hear sounds. Of course, the clearest voice will be the surrogate mothers. This is a great time to start playing music and singing to them. At approximately 25-26 weeks, they will respond to noises outside of the womb.
Fetal Stem Cells Can Repair Damaged Tissue
Several years ago, researchers found fetal cells in a mother’s brain. Surprisingly, it turns out that fetal cells can migrate from the placenta into the mother’s organs and repair damaged tissue. The cells can also lead to immune disorders.
See Outside the Womb
A baby’s eyes develop early in the pregnancy. By the end of your second trimester, the baby will be able to open their eyes. There may not be much for them to look at in the womb. However, they may respond to bright light, such as a flashlight, pointed toward your tummy.
Ready to Be a Surrogate Mother?
If you are not yet established with a surrogacy agency and want to become a surrogate mom and assist a lucky family, we would like to help you meet your perfect match. We will also see you through the whole process, so it is easy and fun for everyone. Review our guidelines for surrogates and reached out to us when you are ready to come on board.
Physician’s Surrogacy, a surrogacy agency in San Diego, has helped form over 1,000 families. We can provide you with an integrated solution and will stand by your side throughout your entire surrogacy journey. Visit us at or call (858) 345-3273 to learn more about the surrogacy process.
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