5 Truths (and Myths): All about Surrogacy Process

Surrogacy Process
People extremely misunderstand Surrogacy process, especially gestational surrogacy, despite how many people it has helped. You may have heard wild claims about surrogates and surrogacy and we hope to address these myths and bring the truths.
Fill Out An ApplicationMyth: The child born through Gestational Surrogacy is related to the Surrogate
Truth: A common question is, “Does a surrogate mother transfer DNA to the baby?” Gestational surrogacy means that the surrogate is pregnant using an embryo created via in vitro fertilization (IVF). The embryo creation occurs through either the intended parents or donors’ egg and sperm. Therefore, there is no genetic relation between the resulting child and the surrogate.
Traditional surrogacy on the other hand uses the eggs of the surrogate mother. However, traditional surrogacy is highly uncommon fertility treatment option and is not available at Physicians Surrogacy.
Myth: Surrogates must deliver at the local facility in San Diego
Truth: You will deliver at a local hospital near you. Most of the traveling will only be required during the initial stages of the fertility treatment and pregnancy. Once you are near the end of your first trimester of gestational surrogacy, the doctor will release you to your local OB doctor. If you are not a local, we will reimburse you for your traveling expenses.
Myth: It’s hard to “give the baby up”
Truth: The baby is not genetically related to the surrogate mother. It is abundantly clear throughout the process that the child is not the surrogate’s so she is not “giving up” anything. Therefore, it’s never a question of can a surrogate mother keep the baby? Surrogates partake in this journey to help others and usually do not have a problem with this.
Myth: Surrogates do Gestational Surrogacy only for the money
Truth: Many of our surrogates have had someone close to them struggle with infertility. So, they simply wanted to help another couple achieve their dreams of becoming a parent. Surrogates are however compensated generously for all the hard work and dedication. But, to say that money is the only reason is simply untrue.
Myth: Surrogacy is exploiting women
Truth: There are misconceptions that Gestational surrogacy is the equivalent of selling a woman’s body. However, it is an extremely selfless sacrifice that shares the joy of parenthood with a hopeful couple or individual.
We recommend filling out the application to see if you qualify. This will allow you to speak with one of our surrogacy intake coordinators. He/She will help you fully understand the journey during your interview.
If you have any questions or wish to learn more myths, misconceptions about surrogacy and the truths behind them or any other question, please call or text (858) 299-4580 or email family@fertile.com.
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